Friday, October 7, 2011

Love and Lust for Life: Trust your gut…karma…whatever!

…”you have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever, because believing that the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even if it leads you off the well worn path and that will make all the difference”
...Mr. Steve Jobs had it right. 1955-2011.

As any good Gemini knows, your personality tends to be split and I’m no exception. Part of me has a great sense of adventure; I like trying new things, meeting new people, going to new places and taking chances…I’ll never forget the sense of wonder and excitement I felt the first day I woke up at 20 years old, living on my own (well with my lil’ sister to be exact) but I’ll never forget how it just felt right, in my gut, and I was not afraid of what lay ahead of this new life…

The other side of me craves order and consistency like crazy…I love my routines! I can eat at the same Mexican Restaurant in LA, even though there must be a hundred just as good up there…Part of me just needs that sense of comfort and stability in my day to day life to keep me sane. I’ve been known to pass up Happy Hour because it disturbs my evening routine…Loco, right???

Well, I find myself, again, feeling like I did those many-many years ago. Not quite 20, not even 30 for that matter ;) now married with a young son and the full blown set of responsibilities of adult life. Yet that spirit of adventure is strong and my gut tells me all is going to be FINE. So, I plan to repeat Mr. Jobs wise words, as a mantra, through this new voyage my family now embarks on. Adding to it, my own personal belief that if you “go on with hope you’ll never be lost”! Fingers crossed for un poquito de luck too ;)

Feliz Fin!!! and Ciao for now  :*

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