Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daily Life Loves: Weekend Rewind...

Had big plans for this weekend!!! We were packed and ready for a fun camping trip on the beautiful CA coast…

Alas, the Gods had other plans…

The lil’ guy came down with a nasty virus. So instead, I spent the weekend nursing him back to health...and trying not to get sick myself :&

He’s doing much better now and we are hoping to attempt this camping thing in a few more weeks…and I did manage to tryout a simple yet lovely Panini recipe involving sharp cheddar, sourdough wheat bread, sweet apples and sliced rosemary roasted chicken…Delicioso!!! Also squeezed in some fashion bibles perusal time…double Delicioso!!!

Ciao for now  :*

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tunes & Reads Loves: September Issues plus some Bossa Nova…

Fall is by all accounts, my favorite time of the year! I always look forward to those fabulously fat and juicy September issues. Stuffed to the brim with fashion morsels, hinting of what's to come in the new season, making me long for cooler weather and my beloved layered looks, while still in the middle of the dog days of summer!!!

I’ll be lapping these up over the weekend and will probably pick up the Vogue and Glamour editions, just to stay well rounded ;)

However, I'm not ungrateful to Summertime...I’ll have some Bossa Nova playing in the background as I peruse these fashion bibles. Because, nothing says it’s still summer like some Caetano Veloso or Bebel Gilberto playing all around me...Have a listen and judge for yourself :) http://www.bebelgilberto.com/ …while I day dream of knee high boots, long flowy skirts and off the shoulder knits…Feliz Fin! (Happy Weekend)!!!

and Ciao for now  :*

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Food Lust: Homemade Street Style Tacos...

I’m by no means a strong cook, nor do I profess an incredible passion for cooking. Mostly because I find it rather nerve racking. I do however have a great appreciation for food, as my ever fluctuating weight can attest to!!! I also have great admiration (OK...OK…combined with a little jealousy) for folks that can make this process look simple, while at the same time turning out fantastic meals. My lil’ sister happens to be one of them, she can make the simplest ingredients into something you find yourself salivating over and yearning for un poquito más!
Take her version of street style tacos…they are simple, fresh and totally divinos!!! She starts off by grilling, on the BBQ, some flavorful dark chicken meat which she marinates in some lime juice, salt, pepper and garlic. She then adds some tender spring onions which she grills for a bit, just until slightly charred; a little fresh diced avocado ripened to creamy perfection and her "pièce de rèsistance" sweet corn, grilled in the husk and then she simply shaves the golden kernels off unto the tacos.

                                                                                                                       Image via: ·júbilo·haku·.

Assembled in a corn tortilla, slightly toasted over the flame until the edges curl up a bit to form a billowy cocoon, that you can then wrap all those amazing fresh ingredients in; top it off with a lil’ queso fresco and buen provecho (to your health)! For the record I did contribute something that day…I mixed a mean Margarita….Salud!!!

Ciao for now  :*

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Daily Life Loves: Out the Door Outfit...

This is what I wore “OTD” today…Temps are heating up this week, so went with something light and swingy to keep me cool while running around...jacket needed for the office, so chose this green military like one to counter the girliness factor and left it all a bit rumpled since I like things just a lil' off; paired with my vintage YSL wedges and fave lipstick of the Summer <3

Today’s working mamma schedule includes; going to the office, followed by mid-day pick-up of my son from school; a “quick” visit to the DMV (note the sarcasm) and then back to the office. Later, hopefully to the gym (since I ate a whole jar of nutella yesterday, why coño??!!!) and then off to pick up my favorite guy from daycare before heading to la casa to start the rest of my honey mamma day…Phew! I know this outfit will hold up, just hoping I do too!

Ciao for now  :*

Monday, August 22, 2011

Lil’ Loves: Potty Training Camp…worse than Sunday Boot Camp!

I’ll take the rigors of boot camp any day over the ones involved in Potty Training…or as I like to call it Potty “Booty” Training!!!
Our 4 year old has finally mastered #1, after several months of concerted efforts; we can now take him out without the “safety net” of his big boy diaper…but #2 is a completely different Oprah :$

It’s inherent that for a child on the Autism Spectrum, like our wonderful son, these things sometimes take longer, and while he’s lost all fear surrounding the potty when it comes to #1, he refuses to use it for #2. Instead he will literally “hold-out” a full day, sometimes more, until we surrender and put the night time diaper on him and then watch out folks!!! the things that come out of this lil’ boy are pure science fiction!!!

I dread we are going to have to go cold turkey on this one pretty soon and just deal with the alien life forms plopping all around us!!! But I tell you, in all honesty, I much rather do burpies, lunges and mountain climbers all day long in 90 degree, 100% humidity, Miami type weather than Potty "Booty" Train...May the force be with us!

Ciao for now  :*

Friday, August 19, 2011

Style Loves: Arm Candy vs. Ankle Candy…

Is it just me or is there a huge resurgence of ANKLE candy happening nowadays…bear in mind back in the days of my youth, growing up in South America, my mami always told me only “prostitutas” wear anklets (she applied the same logic to tattoos by the way, go figure) so subconsciously I guess I’ve always carried that with me a bit…and as much as I secretly coveted them, the good ole católica school girl in me kept rejecting the idea, so I’ve been strictly an ARM candy gal forever <3

via: http://www.streetfsn.blogspot.com/

...but all of a sudden when I see images like this one below I want to rebel and maybe try it out…after all I do have 2 tattoos now ;) Hope you’re not reading mami...

via: http://www.sincerelyjules.com/ 

Ciao for now :*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bienvenidos...Let's get started!

An advance warning…this blog will contain lots and lots of “Spanglish”… so if this irritates you as much as it does my dear husband, stop reading now honey and move along to a less linguistically challenged individual…OK, if you’ve chosen to stay and play along: Bienvenidos!!!! Welcome!!!

I’m a bilingual/bicultural Mamma, as in Mamá (to one awesome 4 year old) and Mamacita (well that part can be disputed by all except my hubby of course) working and living in Southern California J

Anywhooo, I’ve been blessed with living and loving both South American and North American cultures and this duality has allowed me to take the best of both worlds and apply it to my daily life and loves, which I now feel compelled to journal about, but because I’m a self-centered Gemini, instead of writing it privately I’ve chosen to blog about it for anyone to see…OK ya!!! Enough with the intro piece…again Bienvenidos and Ciao for now :* meaning: Catch ya Later :*