OK! ¡OJO! This one's gonna be a bit long ;)
So, I get it we currently live in a society bombarded by images of The “Real” Housewives of Wherever, Jersey Shore, Bad Girls Club, etc..etc, but come on chicas, when did these mean girl antics become the norm and commonly accepted practice other than on "reality" TV…when did becoming a meany or worse a total biotch become socially acceptable in our day to day lives? I fear that one day, as historians look back on this generation of females, the footage that may define us is that of women in skimpy outfits, screaming obscenities and tearing each other’s hair out…PLOP!!!
Just the other night I was at the gym for some usually fun Zumba Fitness. When I got to class there was a sub instructor that announced she would be teaching us “Hustle” instead… I decided to stay and make the best of it even though Hip-Hop influenced dance classes make me look like an even bigger super dork ;) Anyhoo, I figured who cares, we are all just here to have fun and get some cardio while at it….RIGHT?
Via: http://craftside.typepad.com/.a/6a00e55007f5938834012877a718b0970c-320wi
WRONG!!! as soon as the class started I began to witness mean girl antics all around me…First, some of the hard core “Zumba ladies” walked out of the class while loudly and rudely expressing their dissatisfaction; then others started to tell the instructor how the class should be led and finally another “lady” actually went up to the stage, stopped the instructor mid routine to vociferously complain that the music was way loud and that the instructor kept repeating the same moves over and over again “in Zumba we move on to new routines quicker” she yelled…she ended her tirade with “STEP IT UP and TURN THE VOLUME DOWN…THIS MUSIC IS HURTING MY EARS!!!”
The poor instructor was visibly upset, and this is a girl that looks like she wouldn’t normally be someone you could bully…At that point, I had had enough, not only were they interrupting everyone's workout but they were behaving horribly to this poor girl!!! So in the steadiest, firmest voice I could muster, I proceeded to remind all the “ladies” to “Mind their Manners” and show some respect for the instructor as well as the rest of the class that might still like to HUSTLE…Oh boy! did I get the dirtiest looks ever…but I remained unwavered! In the end a few more mean girls walked out, but this time they did so quietly and the rest of us got to get our HUSTLE on right ;)
Mean Girls = 0
Nice Girls = 1
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