Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daily Loves: California…Nowhere like it!

Sure it’s crowded, overpriced and we had the Governator as head of State, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else if I can help it…see for yourself ;)

Loved this tilt shift video and how it captured the essence of this beautiful place in a non-commercial, unretouched way. Even the traffic mixed in with the architecture and natural scenery truly reflects what we experience day in and day out :) plus they gave a quick shout out to my lil’ole hood with the Great Park Balloon <3  <3 <3

Ciao for now  :*

Monday, January 16, 2012

Style Loves: Flawless…

Sorry, but Jennifer Aniston never stood a chance…The current Mrs. Pitt looked absolutamente FLAWLESS last night…WOW!!!
My fave LOOK from the 2012 GG’s <3<3<3
Ciao for now  :*

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Love and Lust for Life: Feeling Inspired…

A few things that are inspiring my Body, Mind and Soul in the New Year: Outdoor Yoga…I’m blessed to live here!


Inspirational Quote…“To dream anything that you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the human mind.  To do anything that you want to do.  That is the strength of the human will.  To trust yourself to test your limits.  That is the courage to succeed.” – Bernard Edmonds. 

and finally…Rules that rule ;)


Trying to be more “Zen-like” for lack of a better word, in the year I enter my Forth Decade on this wonderful, crazy planet…here’s hoping!
Ciao for now  :*

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lil’ Loves: Heart Melting Moments…In Potty Training!

As I’ve mentioned before Potty Training is worse the Saturday morning Boot Camp as far as I’m concerned! but I’m happy to report that much progress was made during the latter part of 2011 and I now see the light at the end of the dark potty tunnel and believe it or not there have even been some tender, heartwarming moments along the way…Last night was one of them!

I found myself taking down the Holiday lights while my Son played upstairs in his room, when I came in to check on him I found him naked from the waist down and tippy toeing over the bathroom sink with the water running over the pants he'd been wearing, but before I could ask him what was going on he looked me straight in the eye with those big beautiful brown ojos of his and said….”Mamma I’m washing my pants, don’t worry, it’s OK the pupu is gone now, all clean”

His lil’ face was beaming with a mixture of pride and joy at the fact that he was taking care of business and I had to blink hard to fight back tears of utter happiness…not only did this mean he’s understanding what we are trying to communicate to him on the subject but he spoke to me with such clarity and without need for prompting that I knew in my hearts of hearts this kiddo is gonna be just fine and that light at the end of Potty Training Purgatory is now shinning brighter than ever…May the force continue to be with us ‘til then!

Ciao for now  :*