I’m by no means a strong cook, nor do I profess an incredible passion for cooking. Mostly because I find it rather nerve racking. I do however have a great appreciation for food, as my ever fluctuating weight can attest to!!! I also have great admiration (OK...OK…combined with a little jealousy) for folks that can make this process look simple, while at the same time turning out fantastic meals. My lil’ sister happens to be one of them, she can make the simplest ingredients into something you find yourself salivating over and yearning for un poquito más!

Take her version of street style tacos…they are simple, fresh and totally divinos!!! She starts off by grilling, on the BBQ, some flavorful dark chicken meat which she marinates in some lime juice, salt, pepper and garlic. She then adds some tender spring onions which she grills for a bit, just until slightly charred; a little fresh diced avocado ripened to creamy perfection and her "pièce de rèsistance" sweet corn, grilled in the husk and then she simply shaves the golden kernels off unto the tacos.
Assembled in a corn tortilla, slightly toasted over the flame until the edges curl up a bit to form a billowy cocoon, that you can then wrap all those amazing fresh ingredients in; top it off with a lil’ queso fresco and buen provecho (to your health)! For the record I did contribute something that day…I mixed a mean Margarita….Salud!!!
Ciao for now :*